Sunday, December 12, 2010

No idea

No idea was my avatar name in Pokerstars when i was a keen on-line poker player years back now. These days it brings back that tongue in the cheek memory of why it was used in the first place.

"No" is a great zen word. Not this ... not that. A renunciate renounces slowly layer by layer of attachment, aversion and finally all self-cherishing. Once a zen master was asked what enlightenment meant and he answered "i don't know ..."

The "don't know" mind is fascinating. Unless one unlearns all previous knowledge and empties one's cup of misconceptions fresh flow of wisdom cannot enter and fill one's consciousness. I have no idea ... i don't know has a deeper depth than most would understand. In fact it is depthless.

I do not dare to know ... i do not dare to form an idea or give my interpretation of things is more to the point. I don't not judge and deduce using my limited mind - hence i really shouldn't teach or utter any concepts lest i mislead. I have no idea. I really don't know.

However i can show you what i've experienced to be my truth. I know i can ride a bicycle i don't say i believe i can ride a bike cos i have direct experience in riding a bike. Likewise when truth touches you ... you know ... not merely believe.

What is your truth? It is that which liberates you and gives you inner peace and harmony. It give you so much freedom and space that there exist no borders. In that seamlessness you connect with all beings and non-beings. Telepathy anyone? Silent communication and understanding?

I have no idea, ... i don't know. How can i? If we deconstruct ourselves by asking who am i ... we come to layers upon layer of ... not this ... not that.  I am not my thoughts. I am not my body, i am not my mind ... i am definitely not my problems or worries or anxieties ...

If we know what we are not then finding out who we are is a little easier. The ego is an idea of who we think we are. Hence no idea can equate to i am not my ego. We have beliefs and concepts about who we are but really if we drop who we are not as in we are not our thoughts then a great burden disappears.

The more idea we drop off about ourselves the lighter we get. Or the more empty we get. When we understand that form is emptiness and emptiness is form than we truly appreciate the speechless.

Without getting too abstract a practical example would be: ... all things are cause and effect. One action or thing affects another. Life is a constant flux and we are not the same person we were a few moments ago. Cells die and rejuvenate or rebirth moment by moment as skin peels off etc...

Our moods change moment to moment if  watched carefully. Once aware of the constant flux of things and life, the silent witness who watches and is aware is the one who remains changeless. The only thing that does not change is pure awareness and pure consciousness. It is the sky behind the ever changing clouds.

So what practical purpose does it serve? First of all nothing lasts forever. Bad moods, tantrums, anger, bitterness if watched mindfully ... merely passes by in due course. So do all the good things which we tend to get attached to like relationships and happiness.

Forget relationships. Instead relate and practice relating in the moment. Relationships are of the past. Relating is of the present. Relating and responding appropriately each time, spontaneously and creatively, alertly aware and sensitive to our surroundings and atmosphere.

No idea thank you.  However i can show you instead how it works for me. I can't express it in words or sermons or teachings cos' then i'll be  delineating and limiting the energy that can be potentially experienced by you. I need you to personally taste and experience this flow and energy or vibration not to understand my idea of it or even form an idea of it yourself.

Using no-mind or beyond mind, no idea is no mind - not using our minds to comprehend and opening your hearts instead. Open our hearts as wide as possible for all things to reveal themselves to us. All means all - good, bad and neutral. Then we know that in imperfection lies perfection. Perfection is accepting imperfection and mistakes as is. Then all is well and all is perfect despite the suffering, flaws and agony of the world.

We see through the suffering by not adding to it. We accept the suffering and the pain and understand them for what they really are. Attachment and clinging to what we cherish causes suffering. Want not suffer not. Get to know the desireless state of bliss. The state of content in utter simplicity.

No idea ... nope, i don't know. I know what i know but you will have to experience and walk the path yourself. I can face the direction and point the way ... if that helps you in the slightest bit.

It 's not a debate. In fact the fewer words the better. Simply try, taste and see for yourself. What have you got to lose? When you realise that you have nothing to lose then you will know that indeed you have everything to gain if you only take the first step of the journey inward.

Spend time alone in non-thinking and learn the art of meditating while doing chores or at work. You will knock yourself out in laugher and bliss. You will see through this world of illusion which you have created for yourself.

I don't know because knowledge tell me i'm nothing and love tell me i am everything. And between the two i move. I have no idea because i dare not utter that which is ineffable and indescribable. Please come and experience it for yourself with an open heart and mind. Be sincere and willing and watch the doubts dissolve.

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